A warm greeting to all the affiliated Churches under WSBAK.
Through God’s love and abundance, WSBAK had reached 76th years by advancing ahead.
In order to stay connected between WSBAK and respective Churches, this website is opened.
Therefore, I urge all of us to coordinate and update ourselves in term of any queries related to WSBAK program or their functions.
To conclude, lets serve God with vigilance and commitment by extending his kingdom.
Praise the Lord.
Rev. Dr. Phughoto Sema
Executive Secretary
WSBAK Hosted the EC & NBCC 23rd Triennial Conference at SBA Niuland
Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (WSBAK) hosted the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) 23rd Triennial and 87th Annual Gathering 2024 on the theme ‘Experiencing God Together- Acts 2:42-47’ commenced at Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Niuland from February 01-04, 2024.
Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho hoisted the flag, followed by the March to the Church which was led by a Person with Disability symbolising inclusivity of the disabled community.
The speaker for the service were: Rev. Dr. Atsi Dolie, Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary NBCC, Valentine Davidar, Former Executive Director, Haggai Institute India & Asia, Nini Bendang Associate Pastor Women, City Church Kohima, Dr. Angukali Rotokha (PhD OT) Langham Scholar & Writer and Rev. Phushito L. Chishi Evangelist WSBAK.
Bulletin Day 1
Bulletin Day 2
Bulletin Day 3
WSBAK lo Akukuho kümtsü Amuhaqhi 13, 2019 puchou ayi 12 kihe lo akukuhou yi (tuthu 6) heni. Ayi kihe sütsa chilu kemtsa khile-khile aghinamu pütüta a-a lono nighakhulo külakishi shi apenike ghenguno akighini shini. Hiye NBCC Executive Meeting Aküvüto lo küpütsa kelono Association qo lau puchive tsüke kiqi lono püghü ani. Külakishi vechewono Nagami yeghi lo shikipivi süghi tsü penike Nagami Kukuhou gholo kutupo no Alhou vilo khuinini nolo.
Alhou no ningu kighini chilu tsüno niu timiqo kimiye tsüpeniu. Amen!