Baptist School, Kuhuboto is situated in the heart of Kuhuboto Town. The School is sponsored by Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (WSBAK). It is also an affiliated Member School of Nagaland Baptist Churches Council (NBCC), School Ministry. It is a co-educational Institute with an aim to bring about all round development in child through Biblical views and produce responsible citizens who can be an asset to our society and country. Besides imparting quality education we also provide equal importance to extra-curricular activities, personality development, sports, music, etc.
HSLC Examination Result and Achievement 2024: Enrolled : 26, Appeared : 26, Passed : 25
Students Enrolment 2024: 420 Students.
Teaching Staff: 17 Teachers,
Non-Teaching Staff: Chaplain cum Office Assistant, Peon, Chowkidar, Hostel Cook and Caretaker
The School provided free studentship concession to the 4th & 3rd child of the same family for the year 2024. The School also sponsors orphans, needy, Church Leader’s ward and staff wards. Under these a total of 38 students were given concession and sponsored by the School.
Requirement of The School
Chapel hall, Generator, Science Laboratory, Library & Play Ground